New User?
New Researcher?

  • Be Informed

    Know Who You're Hiring

    • 50% of all resume's contain false or misleading information.
    • Approximately 6% of today's workforce have a criminal record.
    • Approximately 38% of credit reports contain derogotory information.

    Employee turnover is expensive.  Our goal is to provide you with a better way to decrease your turnover rate.

  • Protect Your Investment

    Decrease Employee Turnover

    Our pre-employment screening solutions allow you to have peace of mind in knowing you have the ability to hire retainable employees.

    You can rest assured that we have screened your applicant from every angle.

  • Hands on Approach

    Unmatched Service

    • Our unique hands-on approach is unmatched by our competitors.
    • Each of your screening requests are handled by one of our knowledgable account representatives.
    • You can have confidence in knowing you can contact your account representative at any time.
  • Web-Based Technology

    Web-Based Technology

    • Leveraging the power of the internet, we give you access to the information you need 24x7.
    • Reports may be managed and ordered online and are archived forever.
    • Easy-to-use software with multi-user access.
HR News
Using Facebook To Screen Potential Hires Can Get You Sued

 Although there are ample business reasons for the use of social media in pre-employment screening, potential pitfalls exist for such screening as well.

These pitfalls include obtaining information that is unlawful to consider in any employment decision, such as the applicant's race, religion, national origin, age, pregnancy status, marital status, disability, sexual orientation (some state and local jurisdictions), gender expression or identity (some state and local jurisdictions), and genetic information. Because this information is often prominently displayed on social networking profiles, even the most cautious employer may find itself an unwitting defendant in a lawsuit.

To minimize the likelihood of a charge of discrimination, employers should consider assigning a person not involved in the hiring process to review social media sites (pursuant to a standard written search policy), to filter out any information about membership in a protected class (that is, race, religion, and so on), and to only forward information that may be lawfully considered in the hiring process.

Legal Alerts

E-Verify Federal Contractor Rule Suspended

On January 9, 2009, the federal government agreed to suspend the implementation of the E-Verify Federal Contractor Rule until February 20, 2009. The E-Verify Federal Contractor Rule was due to take effect on January 15, 2009, but the government agreed to delay implementation after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, along with other business groups, filed a lawsuit on December 23, 2008 challenging the legality of this law. A notice announcing the suspension is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register this week.
